Focus & Testing process

Therapeutic process

Definition of the types of therapy


Curriculum Vitae

Classes and dates


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Karin Link     ·     Sportpferdetherapeutin     ·     Postfach 1513     ·     53705 Siegburg

Mobil   +49 (0) 171 - 40 06 121     ·

I'm very proud, guiding horses from riders from more than 20 nations during my career until now.

Germany, Austria, Brasil, Columbia, Netherlands, Bermuda, Beglium, France, Denmark, Great Britain,

Italy, Turkey, Ireland, Russia, Portugal, Poland, Estonia, Finnland, Southafrica, Spain, Hungary, Slowenia, Switzerland, Canada and USA.


Report of the magazine Reiterrevue 2000:

Equine Sport Therapist Micheal Baxter An-Sc, “loose and flexible through life”

(Supporter of  the  Aegon-Team and his work on the competitions):

“…. Baxter with his mammoth program is getting supported from his partner Karin Link, his former student. “Karin is so talented and motivated that I just kept her for myself” he smiles. As he is was in Frankfurt,

Karin was looking after Beat Mänli’s horses at the World Cup in Geneva…”


Destiny of life


Failing exams can change life by chance positively. Spring 1995 I was training and getting ready for the

license to compete in medium level. Failing the dressage test with my own horse, I was looking for professional help. Finding a good professional dressage rider with experience I was well prepared and

passing with bravura. Getting invited by this professional rider to a clinic of Michael Baxter's Equine Sport Therapy, I got a smell of this fantastic world. Full of enthusiasm I studied at the Academy of Equine Sport Therapy  and in a special clinic with difficult horses coming in, I had very little problems with the horses. Michael Baxter looked at me, mentioned I have big talent for this and my life started to change.


Participating further education, conferences, congresses


2019           April: Succesfully completed course Permitted Equine Therapist Exam,

                               FEI CAMPUS

2019           January: Veterinary Sport Horse Congress, Amsterdam

2018           January: Veterinary Sport Horse Congress, Amsterdam

2017           December: Instructor  Fascial training, German Fitness-Academy, Baunatal

2017           October: Anti-Pain-Coaching, German Fitness-Academy, Baunatal

2017           January: Veterinary Sport Horse Congress, Amsterdam

2016           March: First  Aid Schooling  for Fitnesstrainer, German Fitness-Academy, Baunatal

2016           January: Myofascial Therapy for horses,
                    Fachschule für osteopathische Pferdetherapie Welter-Böller

2015           May: Gaitanalysis for horses,

                    Fachschule für osteopathische Pferdetherapie Welter-Böller

2013           November: Functional Taping, German Fitness-Academy, Baunatal

2010           April: Fitness-Trainer – License Level „B“,
                    DFLV- German Fitness-Academy, Baunatal , Kassel

2009           January: Chirotherapy and manuel medicine  for non-medicals,

                    German Fitness-Academy, Baunatal

                    March: practice oriented  examinations and diagnostic of the horse, Hachenburg

                    November: Fitness-Trainer-License Level B, Part 1. DFLV- German Fitness-Academy, Baunatal

2008           January:  Visit Palm Beach-Florida-Circuit, Wellington/Florida

                    January:  Kinesiology “Touch for Health I”, IAK Institut for Appled Kinesiology, Kirchzarten

                    February: Cranio - Sacrale –Therapy I  by  Welter-Böller

                    October: Cranio-Sacrale Therapy by Welter-Böller,

                    Fachschule für osteopathische Pferdetherapie Barbara Welter-Böller

                    December: Practical Applicaton  with Mimi Porter, Equine Sport Therapist, Kentucky

2007           June: Conference  Application of Thermografy, Frankfurt

2006           December: Trainingsinstructor level „C“ Fitnesstrainer DFLV—
                    German Fitness-Academy, Baunatal Kassel

                    December: Double Longing by Gehrmann, Innsbruck

2005           January: Kinesiologiy: Tools of the Trade „IAK Institut of Applied Kinesiology, Kirchzarten

                    June: Seatschooling with Eckhard Meyners, Frankfurt

2004           March: Visit Palm Beach, Florida Circiut, Wellington/Florida

2003           November: AGP-seminar about Rehabilitation of horses with back problem                               
                    Arbeitsgruppe Pferd Arno Lindner, Essen

2002           November: AGP-conference:  Rehabilitation of horses with back problems,
                    Arbeitsgruppe Pferd Arno Lindner, Essen

                    October: Funktional  Anatomy, Gerd Heuschmann

                    July + September: Centered Riding, Susan Harris nach Sally Swift

2001           January: AGP-conference: Rehabilitation of horses, Arbeitsgruppe Pferd, Arno Lindner, Essen



International Events


CHIO Aachen, international Shows in Dressage and Jumping like Frankfurt, Mannheim, München,

Berlin, Verona, Arezzo, Zürich, Bremen, Neumünster, Leipzig, Genf, Stuttgart, Amsterdam, Maastricht, Nörten-Hardenberg, Münster, Balve …. supporting riders and their horses as well as:


08/2014    World Equestrian Games Caen-France

08/2013     European Championships  Herning-Denmark

08/2009     European Championships Kristiansand-Norway, Para-Equestrian

09/2008     Paralympics Hong Kong

05/2008     Equitana Open Air, Neuss, Presentation with Kompetenzzentrum

09/2007     European Championsships Dressage, Turin-Italy

07/2007     World Championships Hartbury-UK Para Equestrian Dressage

09/2006     World Equestrian Games Aachen 2006, Germany

07/2005     European Championships Budapest-Hungary, Dressage Para equestrian

03/2004     Visit Wellington Tour, Florida

10/2003     official therapist of the German Para Dressage Team at the World championships


03/2001     Official therapist  Sunshine-Tour Montenmedio-Southspain (Event 7 weeks)

                    dressage and jumping



Professional Background


2016           First success as an amateur in Dressage in the upper classes


2012           Participating first competitions in the Dressage amateur field


2011-2012 Chief de Equipe- Upcoming  riders -Para-Equestrian-Sport


03/2009    Equitana Forum with Expertenforum Pferdegerecht Horst Becker


05/2008     Equitana Open Air, Neuss presentation within the Kompetenzzentrum Horst Becker


12/2003     Assistant Research project  „Therapy-Locomotion, objective changes“, University Cordoba,Spain


09/2001    Cooperation Reha-Center „revito“, Warendorf, Working with high speed treadmill, Aquatrainer,

                    creating work out programs for rehab horses, intensive use of therapeutic modalities

06/1998     Fair of PS Münster (Show), life presentation assisting Michael Baxter

                    in equine sport therapy, IAEST


06/1998     Talking over of the organization and management of the International Academy of Equine Sport

                    Therapy, translation German/English in therapeutic terms, starting to teach at the Academy of

                    Equine Sport Therapy and working as a therapist intensive further training with Michael Baxter


06/1998     finishing career at Government of Ravensburg


03/1998     Congress AAES in Virginia, Project: standardized back flexibility test by Michael Baxter

02/1998     Assisting in practical  applications in seminars and starting with translation for the Academy

                    of Equine Sport Therapy, Working Part time as Equine Sport Therapist


01/1998    Graduated  Equine sport therapist, IAEST


11/1996     1. seminar in the field of  equine sport therapy


04/1994     Becoming deputy head of registration department for vehicles

                    and transports, Wangen im Allgäu


07/1989     Interne change of department


01/1989 – 07/1989 District office Ravensburg, registration department for vehicles


09/1986-12/1988 Exam at the  Industrial- and  chamber of commerce

                    Education: professional employee for office communication